Last weekend, I stayed in Friday and Saturday to just watch movies (Jenny, it was a me and you kind of day) because of a cold that had taken over my immune system. I think jet lag, homesickness, stress, and starting at a new school really wore me out, and I was very ready to just sit and relax. This worked out well, and Sunday I was ready to leave the house. Luckily, Danny and Samuel offered to take me for an afternoon drive along Great Ocean Road. Everyone had mentioned Great Ocean Road as a tourist attraction, and I had researched it online, but nothing could have prepared me for this drive. Even though it was an overcast day, the natural beauty of the southern coast of Australia took my breath away. I found myself stuck to the passenger's side window in the car as Danny drove along.
We started off at Anglesea where Danny showed me their beach house and then continued along the long winding road. There were plenty of places to stop and admire the view so Danny and Samuel made sure to let me get out and take my pictures. I was such a tourist. The entire coast is filled with little beach towns where everyone who is anyone has a vacation home. We stopped in Lorne, a little town with shops and a park, for lunch, and I sampled a pie. A pie here has meat in it as opposed to fruit, so when you go ask for a pie at a bakery, don't expect a pumpkin pie. And speaking of pumpin, the girls I am living with are appalled that anyone would think of eating pumpkin as a dessert or putting marshmallows on yams. Obviously I am going to have to set them straight because pumpkin pie is one of the most amazing things America has to offer. Anyway, there were surfers in the spots with the best waves, and I hope to find a wet suit soon and see how I fair out on the water on a surfboard.
The day finished with a stop by the golf course to see the kangaroos. Yes, the kangaroos live at the golf course...they're just asking to be shipped to Peachtree City if you ask me. They were everywhere, and the golfers just went about their business with their game; the kangaroos were polite enough to move out of their way. These are also the cutest animals when they hop! I could not get over it! I told the children in school today about how excited I was that I saw my first kangaroo over the weekend, and they told me stories about how to dodge a kangaroo if it tries to punch you. Fiesty little things like to punch you in the stomach evidently; I'll have to get confirmation because this came from 7 year olds, but they were pretty confident in what they were saying.
I have started teaching lessons, and I kicked off the poetry unit this week! Tomorrow we're going to finish up and use all of their poems to compile a poetry book. Next week Brie wants me to maybe teach a full day...yikes, bikes! I know that I am capable of teaching for a full day, but Bellaire is so regimented in their school days and lessons that I am always afraid that I am forgetting to do something. I definitely feel more comfortable this week around the school, so hopefully next week I will be ready for a full day.
Today Maree took me to get a phone. I have been so content in the past 2 weeks without a phone that I was actually really hesitant about being connected to the outside world again. I guess it's a good idea for when I am traveling around and find myself in a pickle. Tomorrow I am catching the train to Melbourne to spend the weekend with Tiffany and do some sightseeing around the city. Yay for my first travel weekend!
Good food:
-Today I went with Brie during lunch time to the bakery around the corner and picked up a chocolate croissant. It was one of the most fresh and wonderful things I had ever tasted. Almost as good as Belgium, Mom :) Seth, I hope you have a chance to get one while you're in Europe! -We also ordered pizza tonight, and I noticed Satay Chicken on the menu and knew I had to sample it. It was delicious. Soo much satay sauce, I cannot wait to take it for lunch tomorrow!
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